There are so many things to be thankful for each and every day...but sometimes I am most thankful when I simply remember to feel gratitude. It seems like time goes by and I forget to recognize all of the amazing things I have brought into my life and, instead, find myself focusing on things I don't have. Rather than missing my friends, I am grateful that I have the ability to talk to them and see their faces or even just their words. Some things these days feel like such staples in my life and I start to expect them. The more I am grateful for them, however, the less "stapled" my life will feel and the more exciting it will be. If I bring something or someone into my life, it's because I think they will increase my happiness. When this happens, I want to enjoy the happiness I feel from the existence of this new thing in my life.
I would love to be able to still be happy about everything I have, for at one time this thing became important and has remained important. Maybe it's time to reevaluate the things that are most important to me and get rid of things that are unimportant, for they are just clutter in my life. Ultimately, if I can look around and be happy with where I am in my life, both physically and abstractly in my relationships and career, I can rest easy and wake up feeling ready to take the next step along my path.
I am grateful to say goodnight to this day.