Bringing happiness into my heart starts in my eyes, moves down my cheeks, and shows itself by my smile. When I envision things, people, words, and moments that I love, my heart tingles and my eyes light up and force my cheeks to push out. I can't get this feeling thinking about anything negative, annoying, weird, or stupid. I really only feel this way when I am living out a dream or goal and being aware of myself in the moment. It makes me feel good to share these things. I can express myself through the things I do and the words I write, but I can also express myself through my features and the way I hold myself. The way I carry my head, the way my hips sway, and the straightness of my posture affect the way I feel and the way the world understands my feelings.
Love is strong and the reason for keeping everything in alignment is to feel good so the world will know it and will let me feel their love, in return. The point of being happy is to attract people who are also happy, and together, we can be happier than either one of us could be by ourselves. It is such an exciting feeling that I never want to go away, but if it does slip out of my consciousness for a time, I know the way to get it back is to focus on what makes me feel the best. Putting good food into my body, stretching and getting the sore areas massaged away, and surrounding myself with people that respect me and my values are so important, regardless of where I am and what I look like. As long as my body and relationships are strong and healthy, there is beauty shining from the inside out. Anyone who wants to look can see it in plain view. My goal is to show my happiness to everyone and the ones who are happy will stick with me and the ones who want to be happy will seek me. Those who are not and do not want or try to be happy are people who I do not wish to be around and they will be the ones who are turned off and annoyed by my happiness. I will not change for them just as I do not expect them to change for me. Everything that happens to us is created internally. The best thing to do is to focus on creating happy everything—moments, people, situations, etc. and then once found, keep them going.
Best of luck :)