
May 27, 2013

Time to Think

I have spent the last week up in the mountains of Taos, New Mexico, learning about the history and culture while living a much more rural life than I am accustomed to.  While the air is pure and dry, living in a place without paved roads means there is dirt all around me.  My body has also felt fried from being in the dry heat of the days.  In my effort to find a balance in my altered lifestyle here, my sleep and water intake have increased significantly in order to support the exhaustion of my body.  This combination has had an impact on my mind, for I have never felt so clear headed and free in my thoughts.  My dreams have even been making sense out of issues that have been bothersome in my life for a long time.  Because there is very little to do here and very few people who I desire to get to know, I have really let go of thinking about what to do next.  Rather, my thoughts flow around and I act when one feels right.

Letting myself just be in this place is refreshing.  At the same time, however, there are moments when I have the urge to breakthrough an idea and create something to fill a piece of me that I feel is still missing.  With one more week to spend in Taos, I will make a conscious effort to pay attention to my thoughts and look for a common thread that continually weaves its way through my mind.  I want to actively pursue my passion in this lifetime, but first, I must have a clear vision and purpose for what I want to spend my time in this world doing.

                                                      {~ listen to your heart ~}