
November 24, 2013

Fear - Why To Let It Go

The following quote is a powerful message delivered by this short video about fear.  After hearing it and reflecting on its meaning, I have decided to let go of my fears.  Instead, I want to view challenges as exciting adventures to embrace, love, and pursue rather than as scary obstacles to run from.  I will encourage myself to push the walls of my safety box until they break and fall down.  In this moment, I can no longer hide from my fears, but they must simply be faced and overcome. 

“Fear is just imaginary. Fear is just anticipated failure in your mind of the event that hasn’t even occurred yet.  Fear isn’t real.  Fear isn’t a thing.  Fear isn’t a person.  Fear isn’t an object.  Fear is all you.  It’s in your mind, and it’s self-created.  Instead of thinking about the 70 years, 28,000 days on this planet as something scarce, limited, as something that’s running out of time­­ – instead of thinking about it that way, think of it as a gift.  Think of it as an opportunity for you to do what you have to do on this planet.  And let this massive, infinite galaxy and universe – let that awestruck you.  Let that inspire you to do things differently if possibly.  So I leave you with a question.  I leave with you a challenge on this beautiful autumn fall day.  And that’s to create your own environment instead of being a product of it and that starts from you understanding how irrelevant fear is.  Because once you understand how irrelevant fear is, your capacity is limitless.  You will understand that you are the one in control of your life, you are the one that creates your environment and that you are the one that uses this system, this resource, as a tool and not to be a tool in this system.  Because in the end, it’s all about pooling our natural talents together and creating massive value for this world and leaving your legacy on this planet.  How’s that for perspective.”

November 19, 2013


The link to the blog post below will take you to an insightful list of tips to help guide your decisions and feelings while you are in your 20's.  Even if none of this is new to you, it is always great to refresh your mind with words of advice.  Think about copying and pasting it into a document and adding or removing anything you want.  Then, print and hang it in your closet to remind you of these important lessons each time you start and end your day.  Or, simply store it somewhere that you can access anytime you need a boost of inspiration.

November 04, 2013

A Little Girl's Daddy

As little girls, Daddy is the figure we look to love.  We watch him love Mommy, and we dream of having a man just like him.  The traits that Daddy possesses are the ones girls look for when we start looking for our own man to love.

Unfortunately, not all girls are lucky enough to have a father who openly loves.  Some men marry women for their money, thinking her parents will support the family and he will not have to work to provide.  Some men cheat on their wives, thinking that she is enjoying herself on vacation with the kids and won't notice the lingerie his prostitute left in his wife's armoire.  Some men also have perverted and violent tendencies.  These can be taken out on both wives and children.

When a girl has a dad who possesses traits like the ones described above, these are what she instinctually looks for in a mate.  These are men that hurt her, however, and leave her feeling as wounded as her mother felt by the soulless treatment of her father.

As a girl with a poor father, I have found that it is important to recognize this fact and make a point to seek a man who possesses traits that my father does not, as unnatural as that may feel at first.  I never want to suffer the abandonment, fear, or hopelessness that women who marry devilish men experience.  Most importantly, however, I will do everything in my power to ensure that my children have parents who serve as role models.

Nobody can fake being a father.  Therefore, a man who lacks the character of a true gentleman does not deserve the privilege of having a little girl in his life, even if he has already created her.